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Email configuration

In this section, we outline the necessary configuration steps to allow our platform to send email using your sender information.

Adding a sender from Backstage

The first step is to add a sender using backstage from the Email senders section. This section is accessible from the profile menu -> Organization settings.

Voilà provides two managed domains, that your organization can use to send email from Voilà platform. Follow the procedure below in the case you need to use a custom domain

Check the information displayed in backstage, you will need to validate this senders email address. This email is send from Amazon Web Services with the subject Email Address Verification Request

Configuring your DNS record

Once the sender email has been validated. You'll need to configure two DNS records as shown below so that email can be send from amazon ses to your domain.

  • The first line (MX) is used to let amazon ses (and Voilà) receive email status (feedback)
  • The second line (TX) allows the customer to receive emails from amazon ses
voila.<domain>TXTv=spf1 -all

Configuring a Custom Mail FROM Domain

It's also possible to mark email coming from amazon ses to originate from your domain instead of a subdomain of amazon ses. To do that, just contact us on the support website (click the contact us link in the top navigation bar), so that we can adjust this setting. This can be done with an email identity verified on amazon ses.